Evans Accounting Blogs
ATO Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Attack on Motor Vehicles
Where a motor vehicle owned or leased by the business is used by an employee for private purposes (including travelling between home and the workplace), then FBT is an issue that needs to be managed. The ATO is conducting a data matching program that is aimed at motor vehicles to try and capture benefits that are not currently being reported through the FBT system. The background to this...Boats, planes, cars, horses...
Data matching to uncover wealth
In the old days, tax officials could be seen “data matching” by driving around the ‘burbs looking for signs of opulence that didn’t match your income. Now, with everything that needs to be known available digitally, data matching can uncover income that doesn’t seem to match lifestyle in a fast and effective manner. The ATO it is now working with insurance providers to identify...